The James Burton Family

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween 2009

Pajama day at pre-k today!!!
Daniel practices his "ready position" for tonight's portrayal of Plo Koon
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Daniel's a Goalie!!!

Daniel provides some important soccer tips to his friends. Then, kicks the ball with so much force...well, click on the arrow. You'll see.
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Mom and Dad's 50th Anniversary Celebration

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Nicely decorated!!

A nice collage of photos over the years...

One of the first to arrive is Burl, dad's older brother (on the left)

Lane and Daniel already enjoying the good times!

Already sneaking food!

Is that a 50 year old piece of wedding cake? Naah! it tasted great!

Another early arrival is Deborah, mom's younger sister...

Family is together again!

Watch out with that!

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Jack Chillin'

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