The James Burton Family

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You Think She Doesn't Rule The House?

Well, you're wrong! Everything from how to wear a hat....

To when and where to sit....

To how many chip clips should one where to a formal ball....

And, finally, where to carry one's hands like a lady with chip clips being worn as jewelry. Megan knows how to do it!
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Megan, Megan Megan

This picture says everything. The look. The atttitude. The big brown eyes. And, yes, the hair with the multitude of "hair bows".

As Daniel tries to help her up, Megan is already thinking of how to throw him over her shoulder teaching him that lesson he finally needs to learn about messin' with girls....

Have you ever had fun on the stairs? Try it sometime. I'm here to tell you that goin' down stairs on your bottom is a goooood time!
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Burton Music Night

Around here, we have a tradition. Almost every Friday night, we turn on the video Ipod and try to karaoke to the songs. Daniel is the karaoke champ. He knows every song, every step, and really knows how to wear his hat!!!

As Megan looks on, Daniel teaches how to ask a real lady to dance. He knows that the request, followed by a gentlemanly gesture, is followed by a lovely time.

After the dance, he knows to thank the beautiful lady with a 'thanks' and a tip of his hat!
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God's Creatures Are Nice!

Daniel is glad that one of God's creatures knows he's trustworthy and will come and sit on his finger

Daniel shows Megan how, if you're very gentle and still, a butterfly will sit on your finger and show its beautiful colors.

Before letting it go, he talks to his new friend telling it how beautiful it is and how it should come back again one day!!
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New Family Member

Yes, it's not furry and does not have big brown eyes. But, it's a new member of the Burton Family, none the less.

It's fresh in from sunny Riverside, California and is aching for a little fun with the Burton's on their weekend trips!

No, that's not fire from the engine glaring in the lens. It's the result of an overzealous photographer who felt it necessary to take a photo after dusk....
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